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Ph:   (09) 622 0992
Fax: (09) 622 0993

About Us

Dedication. Reliability. Service. We deliver.

That's our promise to you. Why? Because we understand the failures of traditional cartage companies and consider Sonic Couriers NZ Limited the solution for your business. We understand the frustrations you've experienced and want to offer you the premiere service that you deserve.

Sonic Couriers NZ Limited was founded on the simplistic philosophy of "start small but think big" and this has proven a successful formula over the past four years growing from literally a one-man/one vehicle operation to a hardworking and honest, friendly team of ten with a fleet of eight . Although our mere size could be considered by some as a disadvantage, we've found personalized and trusted service through the familiarity of our staff with our clients to be a true advantage in creating lasting partnerships. Clear and continual mutual communication has also enabled us to thrive, putting to rest the myth that size matters. It doesn't.

And neither does age. It's just a number. Whilst relatively young as a company, our road staff are no newcomers to the industry, fielding a wealth of knowledge and experience spanning a combined effort of more than 30 years in the courier industry. Basically, we know the ropes and we know the roads. We know what people expect and furthermore, we know what people want out of a delivery service and we work hard to provide that, raise the bar and set the standard.

In this User Pays world, we ensure you get your money's worth. And then some. If you want great service, we deliver. It's that simple.